melodic death metal

from germany

This original two men melodic death metal army was launched in 2020 by Meta and Per.
At a time that confronted us with uncertainties and restrictions on various levels, it was time to bundle creative energies and put a long-awaited wish into practice.

On the one hand, this project represents a return to already known musical shores from younger days.
At the same time, it’s essential for us to tread new paths in order to liberate ourselves from the shackles of the past. Thus, the circle is completed.

An Aeon of Awareness has begun.

Stylistically, we are inspired by timeless heroes of the Gothenburg school as well as other death and black metal bands like Aborted, Agrypnie, Be’lakor, Behemoth, Hypocrisy, Wolfheart and many more.

Press comments about „WAIRUA“


„AEON OF AWARENESS heben sich, obwohl sie natürlich auch altbekannte Elemente verwenden, angenehm ab vom Einheitsbrei.“


„So, “Wairua” blends Melodic Death Metal with the trans-infusing value of Black Metal, and joins it with interesting keys, and prog-like chiming between the instruments. It sounds coherent and organic, despite seemingly changing its pace and tone several times during the record. […]“


„[…] Aeon of Awareness dare to go another route within the death metal style. They use violins, pianos, calmer guitar playing, … Listen to this if you are open to something new. Not only in music, but also in the message. Maybe it’s the philosopher part in me that goes off again, but there’s definitely more to this EP than words can describe.“


„[…] Allerdings klingen Aeon Of Awareness noch um einiges rotziger als die schwedischen Kollegen, aber vor allem klingen sie zeitlos und kommerzfrei. Die Musik ist variabel, aber dennoch eingängig, gut gespielt, aber dennoch nicht überladen, und trotz vertrauter Klänge punkten sie auch mit viel Eigenständigkeit. Die Produktion ist sauber und druckvoll.
Wer Melodic Death Metal mag, aber nicht auf den alltäglichen Einheitsbrei steht, der sollte hier mal reinhören!“


„[…] Tracks such as ‘Te Kore’, ‘Rise of Tāne’ and ‘Revenge of Tāwhirl’ show a band delivering some real Machine Head power, particularly for those who were fans of ‘Unto the Locust’, but furthermore, this EP also has the appeal of Wolfheart, Be’Lakor and Deserted Fear whilst also reaching back into In Flames and Dark Tranquillity in their prime with some excellent musicianship which implores the listener to continue. […]“

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